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Want to Volunteer?


Saving Animals & Healing Hearts is looking for motivated volunteers to join our team. Volunteers help by joining the feeding team or the animal care team.  Duties vary, but could include mucking out stalls, grooming animals, turning them out, meal preparation and performing facility maintenance.  We even have administration assignments for those that are better at handling a mouse rather than a horse or pig.  (computer mouse that is)

We currently have openings on our AM & PM feeding teams! *(Anywhere from 1 to 2.5 hr shifts)
    Monday - Friday Feeding Schedule:
    AM Feeding: 6:30am - 8:30am
    PM Feeding: 5:30pm - 7:30pm
    Saturday & Sunday Schedule:
    AM Feeding: 7:00am
    PM Feeding: 5:30pm

Volunteers must be able to commit to a minimum of one (or more) shifts per week, and for a minimum of 3 months. Experience is great but not necessary. Shift lengths will vary depending on the assigned duty. SAHH is a friendly and welcoming environment!

It is important to understand that the animals at Saving Animals & Healing Hearts are fully dependent on humans for their day to day needs. Your commitment and follow through on your shifts are important and in some cases could even be life saving. If you are unable to attend a shift that you are scheduled for we ask that you find a replacement from team members or give administration adequate time to find a replacement if you cannot.

Due to the complexity of feeding requirements, all feeding volunteers must be 18 years of age or older. If you are under 18 - that's ok, bring along a parent or guardian - they'll enjoy it too!

Seeking to satisfy your community outreach requirements? Volunteering at SAHH is a great way to do so and enjoy some bonding time with a variety of animals.

If this opportunity sounds interesting and/or intriguing, submit an application and let's get started!  We'd love to meet you!

We also host several Open Volunteer Group Events and All Age Volunteer Events throughout the year! Please check our Facebook Event section for current updates!

Volunteer Application

* Required Fields    
* First Name: * Last Name:
State: Zip:  
Phone: (include area code)  
Cell Phone: (include area code)  
Cell Carrier:  
* Email:  
DOB: mm/dd/yyyy  
Are you over 18 years old? Yes No  
If No, Parent/Guardian Name:
Days and times you are generally available to volunteer:

Emergency Contact Information
Contact Name:  
Contact Phone: (include area code)  

How did you hear about SAHH?  
Why are you interested in volunteering at SAHH?  
500 Characters Max Remaining Characters
How do you hope to benefit from this experience?  
500 Characters Max Remaining Characters
Describe any experience you have working with animals and which animals?
500 Characters Max Remaining Characters
Describe any training or special skills you have.
500 Characters Max Remaining Characters
Do you have any physical limitations? Yes No  
If yes, please explain.    
500 Characters Max Remaining Characters
Other Comments:    
500 Characters Max Remaining Characters
  * Please enter the characters exactly as they appear