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Agreement and Liability Waiver

WARNING: You are advised that there are inherent risks, including the risk of serious injury or death, while engaging in animal-based activities. By engaging in animal-based activities and in accordance with the terms of this agreement, you hereby assume all risks of injury or death. WITNESS THIS AGREEMENT on this 15th day of February, 2025 by and between Saving Animals & Healing Hearts, Inc. and PARTICIPANT/VOLUNTEER, hereinafter referred to as "VISITOR/VOLUNTEER." For good and valuable consideration received, and in return for my involvement with SAHH as a VISITOR/VOLUNTEER, whether as a visitor of, or volunteer at, SAHH and/or participant in any and all clinics, experiential health therapy sessions, and activities today or on any and all future dates with the people, animals, facilities and/or services of SAHH, VISITOR/VOLUNTEER, VISITOR/VOLUNTEER's heirs, assigns, and representatives hereby agree as follows:

  1. VISITOR acknowledges there are inherent risks associated with animal based activities including without limitation those described below, and hereby expressly assumes all risks associated with participating in such activities. The inherent risks include, but are not limited to: the propensity of animals to behave in unpredictable ways that may result in an injury, harm or death to persons on or around them; the unpredictability of an animals reaction to such things as sounds, sudden movement and unfamiliar objects, persons or other animals; certain hazards such as surface and subsurface conditions; collisions with other animals; the limited availability of emergency medical care; and the potential of a VISITOR/VOLUNTEER to act in a negligent manner that may contribute to injury to the VISITOR/VOLUNTEER or others, such as failing to maintain control over the animal or not acting within such VISITOR/VOLUNTEER's ability. VISITOR/VOLUNTEER acknowledges that animals, by their very nature can be unpredictable and assumes all risks in connection therewith, and expressly waives any claims for any injury or loss arising there from. VISITOR/VOLUNTEER agrees to abide by and follow SAHH's rules and regulations as laid out herein and further acknowledges that the behavior of any animal is contingent to some extent upon the ability of VISITOR/VOLUNTEER. VISITOR/VOLUNTEER assumes all risks therefore and warrants a full and fair disclosure of VISITOR/VOLUNTEER's abilities has been made to SAHH. VISITOR/VOLUNTEER hereby agree to generally, fully, and completely release SAHH and its staff, volunteers, independent contractors, management, executives and members of the Board of Directors, as well as SAHH's landlord, Teri Crutchfield, together with all others associated with SAHH from any and all claims of any kind (known or unknown, suspected or unsuspected, past, present and/or future) whether for losses, costs, expenses and/or damages of any kind, including, without limitation, lost income, personal injury, and medical expenses and/or property damage, arising for any reason whatsoever, even if caused by the negligent acts or omissions of SAHH, its staff, volunteers, independent contractors, management, executives, members of the Board of Directors and/or Teri Crutchfield.
  2. VISITOR/VOLUNTEER agrees to hold harmless, indemnify and defend SAHH, and its staff, volunteers, independent contractors, management, executives and members of the Board of Directors, as well as SAHH's landlord, Teri Crutchfield, together with all others associated with SAHH from any and all losses, costs,expenses, claims, demands, causes of action, damages, or judgments, including all reasonable attorney's fees and costs, which may in any way arise from or be in any way connected with VISITOR/VOLUNTEER's use, participation, activities, and/or presence upon any and all properties, wherever located, associated with or used by SAHH.
  3. VISITOR/VOLUNTEER agrees that any action brought with respect to this Agreement and/or VISITOR/VOLUNTEER'S involvement with SAHH shall be brought within one (1) year of the date of the incident or accident giving rise to said claim and must be filed in San Diego North County where SAHH is located.
  4. VISITOR/VOLUNTEER understands that this is a general release of all claims and hereby waives the protection of any and all applicable California and Federal statutes, including without limitation California Civil Code Section 1542, whose purpose, substance and/or effect is to provide that a general release shall not extend to claims or rights which the person giving the release does not know or suspect to exist at the time of executing said release.

    Civil Code Section 1542 provides as follows: "A GENERAL RELEASE DOES NOT EXTEND TO CLAIMS WHICH THE CREDITOR DOES NOT KNOW OR SUSPECT TO EXIST IN HIS OR HER FAVOR AT THE TIME OF EXECUTING THE RELEASE, WHICH IF KNOWN BY HIM OR HER MUST HAVE MATERIALLY AFFECTED HIS OR HER SETTLEMENT WITH THE DEBTOR." After having read and understood the benefits of the foregoing statute, and having had the opportunity to seek independent legal counsel, VISITOR/VOLUNTEER hereby fully and completely waives the benefits of said statute.


Agrees to:

  • Abide by all current and future established policies and procedures with respect to his/her role, responsibilities and conduct within the organization.
  • Be photographed and/or filmed for use and inclusion in promotional, marketing, or other uses, as determined solely by and for SAHH Management, without compensation.
  • Contact the SAHH Site Coordinator or President immediately should an animal get loose, appear hurt, ill or otherwise in distress, and/or if there is an urgent problem with the facility or injury of any staff, volunteers, participants, or visitors on the property.
  • Visit SAHH facilities only by scheduled appointment through the Site Coordinator or President.
  • (Volunteer Caregivers Only) Attend his/her agreed upon sessions on time and find his/her own replacement should he/she not be able to uphold the agreed upon caregiving schedule, calling other active site caregivers until he/she is sure his/her session is covered. The only exception to this will be in case of true emergency, such as accident, injury, or illness where he/she is unable to find a replacement, in which case he/she will call the Site Coordinator so a replacement can be found. Due to the high impact this has on the team as a whole, abuse of this guideline will not be tolerated.
  • Will provide a minimum of 2 weeks notice (14 days) should I decide to resign from the organization.

Will refrain from:

  • Feeding the SAHH horses or interacting with them in any but the designated fashion.
  • Bringing any visitors, guests, or pets onto the SAHH properties, outside of approved events, without the express approval by President or Site Coordinator.
  • Taking photographs, videos or publishing any written, audio, photographic, or video works of the animals, facility, or people involved without the express written permission of SAHH Management.
  • Sharing any information regarding SAHH, its staff, projects, plans, or events to others, outside what is officially published by SAHH. This includes publishing or disseminating any information (including via email, blogs, internet social networks such as Facebook or Instagram, websites, verbally, or in any other fashion) that VISITOR/VOLUNTEER may be privy to in the care, service to, or locations of the animals, therapy sessions, facilities or people involved with SAHH or its subcontractors, including information about methods, management, strategy, associations or operations without the express permission by President or Site Coordinator.
  • Soliciting business from or using the contact information of SAHH staff, volunteers, customers or donors, including public relations, fundraising, marketing or other business contacts or leads in any way except in the course of official SAHH business.
  • Smoking on the property or the use of any substance prior to or during the VISITOR/VOLUNTEER's shift, including prescription and non-prescription drugs or alcohol, that might in any way impair the ability to perform the designated VISITOR/VOLUNTEER's role safely.

NOTE: Violation of any of these policies may result in immediate termination from the Project.

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