Saving Animals & Healing Hearts has a number of permanent residents. For a variety of reasons they are unable to be adopted and remain here safe and happy. The following are just some of our current residents. |
Thelma & Louise |
Thelma and Louise were rescued from a hoarding/neglect case in December of 2018. They are approximately 18-24 months old and are currently unspayed. They are a little shy, though they love head scratches. We are working on their manners and given their history, who can blame them for being a little nervous. They will be spayed prior to adoption or may be adopted with a spay contract. We would prefer they be adopted together as it is likely that is how they have spent their whole lives. Adoption fee: $150 each or $250 for both. Adoption fee will be waived if they are adopted on a spay contract. |
Sponsor Thelma & Louise for $30/Month
Titan |
This handsome gentleman is named Titan. If you have been on a tour of the rescue or have volunteered with us, then you probably have had the pleasure of meeting him! He’s welcoming, friendly, and very intelligent! He’s also the first to alert us of anything going on around the ranch. Titan is our mascot and he will live here in sanctuary for the rest of his life. Exactly where he belongs! |
Sponsor Titan for $20/Month
Wyatt |
Wyatt, is a Kune Kune! Five total kunekunes were rescued together. They battled severe pneumonia, and with the help our our vet, antibiotics, and round the clock care... all five beautiful kunes are strong and healthy! Slowly we raised funds to neuter and three have been adopted to a forever home together! \r\n\r\nWyatt along with is brother Andi (who sadly passed in 2023) are ambassadors for their breed and apart of our educational program. They are New Zealand meat pigs and have become quite popular for their meat. We want people to see, touch, feel, and connect with them so they know exactly what is on their plate. Wyatt is incredibly handsome and has the most charming personality to go with it! Wyatt will live safe and loved in sanctuary for the rest of his life. |
Sponsor Wyatt for $30/Month
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